Inter-University Social
Come join us for the Interuniversity EA social! We'll have dinner, drinks, games, and EA friends from schools all around the Boston area and beyond. RSVP optional but useful for organizers. RSVP here.
Our Google calendar can be found at bit.ly/hueagcal. Add to your Google Calendar account! All times are in Eastern Time.
Want to add an event to the calendar? Message Lily at lilyschwalb@college.harvard.edu.
Come join us for the Interuniversity EA social! We'll have dinner, drinks, games, and EA friends from schools all around the Boston area and beyond. RSVP optional but useful for organizers. RSVP here.
Come join us for the Interuniversity EA social! We'll have dinner, drinks, games, and EA friends from schools all around the Boston area and beyond. RSVP optional but useful for organizers. RSVP here.
EA Globals are conferences organised by the Centre for Effective Altruism to bring together members of the EA community. EAG: Bay Area will be held in Oakland, California from Friday, February 24 to Sunday, February 26. The deadline for applications is 8:00 AM UTC.
Come join us for the first Boston Interuniversity EA social of 2023! We'll have dinner, drinks, games, and EA friends from schools all around the Boston area and beyond. RSVP optional but useful for organizers. RSVP here.
Fill out the Spring 2023 interest form to be notified of updates for the upcoming cohort.
Join us for a two-day-late thanksgiving dinner with vegan turkey! Present will be Harvard EA and students from other EA groups, featuring: MIT, Tufts, Notheastern, BU, BC, Babson, Brown University, Brandeis, Wellesley, Columbia University, and others! Food and drinks provided. RSVP here so we know how much food to get!
(the name is a reference to Giving What We Can, although we’re not affiliated with them!)
Join Harvard EA and students from other EA groups, featuring: MIT, Tufts, Notheastern, BU, BC, Babson, Brandeis, Wellesley, Haverford, Columbia University, and others! Food and drinks provided. RSVP here so we know how much food to get!
Dinner provided! Arete fellows are highly encouraged to attend, but everyone is welcome!
Join us for Taco Tuesday! We'll start cooking at 6:30pm, eating at 7pm. If you want to bring something, drinks, desserts, and especially new friends are always welcome
Join us for snacks, drinks, and good conversations!
Will you be a trolley lever-puller? A paperclip maximizer? Join Harvard EA and students from other EA groups, featuring: MIT, Tufts, Notheastern, BU, BC, Babson, Brandeis, Wellesley, Haverford, University of Michigan, Columbia University, Georgia Tech, University of British Columbia and others! Food and drinks provided. RSVP here so we know how much food to get!
Did you know that Taylor Swift songs are peppered with secret EA themes? If midterms have you feeling mEAn, you need to calm down (and brEAthe) – come shake it off and find some pEAce at a social sure to be beyond your wildest drEAms. Dress code: cardigans, paper rings, and all things red are optional but encouraged. Join us for snacks, drinks, and good conversations!
At lunch, HLS EA is hosting a conversation with Cullen O’Keefe, a researcher on the governance team at OpenAI, to explore what it’s like to work on policy research in one of the world’s leading AI labs. RSVP here.
Location: WCC 3007
Join us for snacks, drinks, songs, and jams! (optional: rsvp and song request form)
HLS EA is kicking off a new legal research project that involves considering how antitrust law might affect whether and to what extent companies working on important emerging technologies can coordinate with each other to ensure their products are safe to develop and use. All are welcome, and 1Ls are especially encouraged to join! This project will be a great way to explore an interesting substantive question, practice legal research skills, and potentially develop a legal writing sample. RSVP here.
Location: WCC 4063
Join Harvard EA and students from other EA groups, featuring: MIT, Tufts, Notheastern, BU, BC, Babson, Brandeis, Wellesley, Haverford, University of Michigan, Columbia University, Georgia Tech, University of British Columbia and others! Food and drinks provided. RSVP here so we know how much food to get!
Join Harvard EA for game night! Secret Hitler, Coup, Trial by Trolley, chess, Smash, and more.
A legislative fellow in the U.S. House of Representatives who works on policy issues related to artificial intelligence and synthetic biology will answer questions about their work and explain why working in Congress might be a promising option for students who want to help mitigate existential risk. RSVP here.
Location: WCC 2004
Join us for snacks, drinks, and good conversations!
Abstract: Randomizing different schools of thought–via a month-long training– finds that training deputy ministers in effective altruism renders 0.4-0.6 standard deviations increase in altruism. Treated ministers increased mentalizing of others: blood donations doubled, but only when blood banks requested their exact blood type. Perspective-taking in strategic dilemmas improved. Orphanage visits and volunteering in impoverished schools also increased. We then trace the impact of the training on their policymaking: one year after training, amid official duties, ministers were 50-100% more likely to choose social policies and recommend over 4-fold additional funding for them. Overall, our results underscore that effective altruism may be a parsimonious foundation for formation of prosociality, even impacting the behavior of adults in the field and their high-stakes policymaking.
feat. MIT, Brown, Tufts, BU, BC, Northeastern, Brandeis, Babson, and/or Wellesley!
feat. Smash, Secret Hitler, 24, and/or Bughouse!
Harvard EA, the Harvard-MIT Project on Existential Risk, and the Harvard AI Safety Team will host a brief introduction to Effective Altruism followed by an open house for our programs, including the intro fellowships mentioned above, Harvard EA’s In-Depth EA (IDEA) Fellowship, research programs offered through HMX and HAIST, and more.
Info session to be followed by socials at the Athenaeum (31 Athens St), with food and drinks provided accompanying conversations for doing good.
Meet other grad students interested in Effective Altruism and existential risk reduction at Harvard and MIT!
Join Harvard EA, the Harvard-MIT Project on Existential Risk, and the Harvard AI Safety Team for a semester kickoff party!
We’re excited to host Caleb Parikh, project lead at Effective Altruism Funds, who will lead a workshop on how to prioritize between the world’s most pressing problems when choosing what to work on. There will be free food.
Come for a planning session to make the world better!