PAF: Corporate Philanthropy Program
By Angela Chang, Eric Gastfriend, TJ Moen and Usman Munir.
This is the Executive Summary of the final report from a Philanthropy Advisory Fellowship project on advising corporate philanthropy program. The full report (redacted for client confidentiality) is available here.
Corporate Philanthropy Program Report
Executive Summary
The PAF team has identified 13 charities as potential [program] partners. Of the 13 charities, 11 focus on poverty, one on diversity and one on violence. The team categorized the charities into three tiers. While all the 13 charities have a clear focus, excellent management and leadership and generate significant impact for the populations they serve, the five Tier One charities demonstrated the strongest measurable impact, were most cost-effective amongst their peers, and had clear needs and ambitious yet attainable goals that fit well with [this initiative].
Tier One:
- Seva Foundation: treats and prevents blindness
- Iodine Global Network: advocates for national salt iodization programs and provides global and country-specific guidance
- Against Malaria Foundation: provides long-lasting, insecticide-treated net distributions, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Schistosomiasis Control Initiative: works with African governments to scale up deworming programs
- Fistula Foundation: trains surgeons and funds obstetric fistula repair surgeries
Tier Two:
- Project Peanut Butter: produces and distributes Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food to treat severely malnourished children
- Development Media International: mass media campaigns to encourage healthy behavior change in developing countries
- GiveDirectly: direct donations to poor citizens in Kenya and Uganda
- Evidence Action: scales up evidence-based, cost-effective development programs such as deworming and safe water dispensers
- Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition: works in 30 countries to provide staple foods that are fortified with essential nutrients
Tier Three:
- Pratham: trains and monitors volunteers to implement low-cost, replicable education models in India
- Youth Guidance B.A.M. Initiative: delivers school-based programs and capacity-building initiatives aimed at reducing violence and increasing school performance in Chicago
- Possible Health: provides free community-based health care in rural Nepal
The full report is available here.